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On September 11, 2001 America and the world was tragically shaken and scared. All our lives changed in a matter of moments. Today we remember everyone that was lost on that eventful day, the families that still mourn their loved ones, the brave rescuers and survivors who still relive their experiences, the service men and women in posts far away and humankind who have come together in compassion and unity. Today we take a moment to reflect and to pray. We will never forget 9-11... and everyone that has touched our hearts and soul.

Just like clicks, Hypertracker records actions and stores the information in the appropriate database. You will see the date and time of each action as well as the specific action taken, the IP address used, the visitor's browser and more. This information is also found in "View Logged Information." These details may reveal that more visitors come from a particular browser. You can then tailor your action to that browser. The reverse may also be true. You may find that you need to make your actions suitable for more browsers to handle.

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Mr. Gold had not a great day on January 04th. As you may recall, he had 4 clicks and 2 sales. Here you can see some of the actions that occurred that day. Several visitors signed up for his New Product notice. You can also see the time of day as well as the IP address and browser used by each visitor.


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