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On September 11, 2001 America and the world was tragically shaken and scared. All our lives changed in a matter of moments. Today we remember everyone that was lost on that eventful day, the families that still mourn their loved ones, the brave rescuers and survivors who still relive their experiences, the service men and women in posts far away and humankind who have come together in compassion and unity. Today we take a moment to reflect and to pray. We will never forget 9-11... and everyone that has touched our hearts and soul.

Brand new for this version of Hypertracker is the ability to track statistics for products within a campaign. Now you can see which products are outselling others within a particular campaign. You can also see which actions your visitors commonly make. This allows you to cut out or restructure the actions that are not drawing attention.

Best of all, no part of your sales information will ever be lost. If a customer makes a purchase or completes an action outside of the campaign buttons, Hypertracker will capture the clicks and assign them to your default campaign.

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The best selling product for Mr. Gold is the ZD Jewel Case. A subscription to his New Products Info notice is also popular. His Universal Installation Kit and Cyber Drive do not garner as much attention.


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