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On September 11, 2001 America and the world was tragically shaken and scared. All our lives changed in a matter of moments. Today we remember everyone that was lost on that eventful day, the families that still mourn their loved ones, the brave rescuers and survivors who still relive their experiences, the service men and women in posts far away and humankind who have come together in compassion and unity. Today we take a moment to reflect and to pray. We will never forget 9-11... and everyone that has touched our hearts and soul.

Hypertracker gives you the option of analyzing your campaign by day, product, target URL, subcampaign, visitor web browser and source web site. Therefore, you can compare campaigns to determine which is most effective as well as how your visitors are seeing you. Hypertracker has added the Target URL feature. You can see what page or URL your customers visit first.

The campaign analysis page has been upgraded to include a graphical representation of the numbers to make reading the information easier. Now you can quickly scan the information and know what is happening with your campaign.

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The sales letter on Mr. Gold's index.html page is generating more sales and performing better than the letter on the welcome.html page. In fact, the sales letter on the welcome page is ineffective and is a possible cause of visitors leaving his web site. He will rewrite the letter for greater impact then track it to see if the changes made a difference.


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